
Showing posts from November, 2018


I absolutely love my children. Even though I have both a threenager and teenagers in the same house hold. Some days I don't know which is harder having a threenager or the teenagers. At least my threenager still wants to cuddle and wants dad and mom when he is feeling sad or hurt. The teenagers on the other hand. They only want to cuddle when they want something from you or if you are doing something for them. Also how different are boy and girl teenagers... wow just wow are they different. My husband Paul and I we are in this together to raise these humans.  Our teenager girl is the oldest and she is very similar to how I was as teenager. I liked to be left alone when I was at home. I wanted to hide in my room, talk on the phone and play with my hair and makeup and that's how our Kenzie  who is 13 is. My grandmother who raised me in my teenage years thought something  was wrong with me at that age and took me to a therapist. My therapist saw me three times total o...