The Hardest Thing I Have EVER Done in Life Part One
The hardest thing I have ever had to do in this thing called life. Can any one guess what that may be? First clues it’s not giving birth, it’s not some type of goal I have had to reach and it’s not going to school. All of those things came naturally and easily to me. So, what could be more tough? The HARDEST thing I have ever had to do and continue to do is be a step- mother. Being a step- mother should in all aspects be one of the easiest jobs in the world. Easiest because as a step-mother someone else got to give birth to them, all that should need to be done is love these precious humans right! Life could never be that simple though. We as humans complicate things way more then we should. If we could all just learn to love like children love unconditionally then life would honestly be simple. Not only do I find it hard to be a step- mother but also to find balance in that fact the I am a mother as well to my own children and a step-mother to my...