
Showing posts from February, 2021

Frownies and Nail Wraps Two of my Favorite Things

      We don't realize how much words effect people until you have been struck by some that stick with you and they just won't leave your brain. Recently my 15 year old son said to me  "Mom you are very young looking." That started out as a compliment until he followed it by "You only started ageing in the last 4 years." as he pointed at my forehead wrinkles. Those words hung with me for a few weeks, one of those over thinking mother moments. Then I got busy to do something about this ever approaching wrinkles.        I did do Botox once last year it was ok.. little pricy and for the price the results did not last as long as I thought they would. Also the headache I had for about a week after was not fun.     Moving forward I started looking for a different approach to reduce the ever quickly approaching wrinkle's moving fast in to my life as my 15 year old told me. I tried lots of creams and added enough wa...