Threenager Why I Fear Him
I fear my child sometimes! Why? He is THREE!
To some of you that might mean nothing at all. Let me tell you though THREE is scary. Who in this world made up that there was such a thing as the Terrible Two's? That person might not have had kids because two is easy peasy. When a child is two they are still learning to communicate and they seem innocent and sweet. Three hits and it is a whole new ball game. They can very well verbally communicate! They know that there care consequences to there actions and guess what? THEY DON'T GIVE A FLYING RATS BUTT! You read that right. These Threenagers are testing you in every way possible just to see how long it takes for you to yell and pull your hair out. Why? They think it is Funny! At this age to them we are just their Minions. We walk on egg shells fearing what might set them off. I currently have to teens in the house so I know what a teenager is like and the mood swings that come with it but THREE is worse.
A Huffington Post article explains it this way.."The threenager is that age when your 3-year-old continually acts like they are going on 13. They have an attitude for miles, a stubborn streak, and want what they want... when they want. Hell hath no fury like a threenager who refuses to nap." Man do they it on the nail there.
I mean who negations with a child. I do currently. I do or my child would not eat or sleep. Just the other Day I negotiated for him to eat breakfast. If he ate five bites of his cereal then he would get what he really wanted for Breakfast M&M's and Funions. He did eat his five bites and then got his M&M's and Funions. As a mother or father we will win some and lose some. I choose to lose that round in fear of a meltdown before preschool. Am I ashamed of this? No Way, I was on time to work and he made it to daycare on time.
I love my threenager beyond words but that does not make me currently fear him any less. I do believe that I will miss him being young but I will not miss the Threenager phase.
Check out other blog post from The Blended Stones:
Hardest Thing I have Ever Done in Life Part One
Hardest Thing I have Ever Done in Life Part One
Our kiddo was the same! 3 was way worse than 2! 4 has been interesting