
Showing posts from October, 2018

Our First Camper Trailer Adventure in Roxie the Retro Camper

I have had lots and lots of things on my bucket list over time. I am usually one to accomplish them pretty fast. I try to accomplish mine super fast due to the fact that well you never actually know when you will as the say "Kick the Bucket." For a while though I let something linger on my bucket list for to long. I let it linger out of fear and well I will do it when I retire. You guys? What if I never get to retire because: I kicked the bucket before I where to retire. Fear no more as soon as I mention something to my husband he most always is supportive and helps me accomplish the goal. Sometimes I have to keep goals to myself because this husband of mine is not a procrastinator as I can be on some things and will proceed to try to help me before I am ready to be helped. In the instance of me getting a camping trailer his help and push where exactly what I needed. My new Rivercity Retro 177SE sill on the lot getting prepped for the trip home I wanted a camping trai...

Threenager Why I Fear Him

I fear my child sometimes! Why? He is THREE! To some of you that might mean nothing at all. Let me tell you though THREE is scary. Who in this world made up that there was such a thing as the Terrible Two's? That person might not have had kids because two is easy peasy. When a child is two they are still learning to communicate and they seem innocent and sweet. Three hits and  it is a whole new ball game. They can very well verbally communicate! They know that there care consequences to there actions and guess what? THEY DON'T GIVE A FLYING RATS BUTT! You read that right. These Threenagers are testing you in every way possible just to see how long it takes for you to yell and pull your hair out. Why? They think it is Funny! At this age to them we are just their Minions. We walk on egg shells fearing what might set them off.  I currently have to teens in the house so I know what a teenager is like and the mood swings that come with it but THREE is worse. A Huff...

Top 10 ITEMS all Women Need Currently

  Some of you know some of you don’t but I have been a hair stylist for the last 13 years. Yes... 13 ahhh showing my age a bit. Enough about my age lets go on to better subjects. As a hair stylist I feel I get to experience styles, colors, makeup and anything beauty first. If I have not discovered it myself then a client or a friend comes to me for advice or questions about new products or items on the market. I absolutely love playing test dummy too! I love all things beauty and fashion! So.. today I thought I would share with you my absolute current favorites. Let’s be honest though they are current favorites because the beauty industry changes so frequently. My TOP 10: 10.   Nivea In Shower Lotion I absolutely love this in show lotion it gives me that nice hint of softness with out the greasy feel. I can't stand  overly oily lotions or ones that you rub on and then later they roll off your skin. Is it only me that has this problem? This is a lotion that fixes t...

Part Two: Letter to Bio- Mother From: Step Mother

First of all thank you to all who read, commented, shared, like and messaged me about my last blog post Part One. There are so many different situations life puts us in it was nice to hear the variety of stories and life events. So THANK YOU for sharing yours with me. After reading other step parents responses to my blog it’s a general consensus that we as step-parents do not feel adequate and we feel less of a parent. None of us ever feel like we are enough.  We do not know the correct boundaries, no one wrote us a book on the proper way to be a step parent.   I did another poll on Facebook  my question this time was “If you could say one thing to your child’s bio mom or dad what would it be?” Here where some of the responses: *Don’t talk to the children about adult issues.. it causes them stress and anxiety. *Don’t bad mouth the other parent. * Why have you not been hit by a bus? *Don't bad month my children. (Speaking about step parents own kids) *...