Our First Camper Trailer Adventure in Roxie the Retro Camper
I have had lots and lots of things on my bucket list over time. I am usually one to accomplish them pretty fast. I try to accomplish mine super fast due to the fact that well you never actually know when you will as the say "Kick the Bucket." For a while though I let something linger on my bucket list for to long. I let it linger out of fear and well I will do it when I retire. You guys? What if I never get to retire because: I kicked the bucket before I where to retire. Fear no more as soon as I mention something to my husband he most always is supportive and helps me accomplish the goal. Sometimes I have to keep goals to myself because this husband of mine is not a procrastinator as I can be on some things and will proceed to try to help me before I am ready to be helped. In the instance of me getting a camping trailer his help and push where exactly what I needed. My new Rivercity Retro 177SE sill on the lot getting prepped for the trip home I wanted a camping trai...