Our First Camper Trailer Adventure in Roxie the Retro Camper

I have had lots and lots of things on my bucket list over time. I am usually one to accomplish them pretty fast. I try to accomplish mine super fast due to the fact that well you never actually know when you will as the say "Kick the Bucket." For a while though I let something linger on my bucket list for to long. I let it linger out of fear and well I will do it when I retire. You guys? What if I never get to retire because: I kicked the bucket before I where to retire. Fear no more as soon as I mention something to my husband he most always is supportive and helps me accomplish the goal. Sometimes I have to keep goals to myself because this husband of mine is not a procrastinator as I can be on some things and will proceed to try to help me before I am ready to be helped. In the instance of me getting a camping trailer his help and push where exactly what I needed.

My new Rivercity Retro 177SE sill on the lot getting prepped for the trip home

I wanted a camping trailer/ RV so bad I dreamt about it night and day. My Pinterest board was covered in everything camping and I was already buying decor for it before I even had one. I started out wanting a vintage camper trailer to refurbish from start to finish and I was set on getting one. Then my husband asked me a question.. “When are you going to have time to refurbish one?” Still I am hard headed as can be so I said I would make time and take my time doing it."  Then he sent me a picture of what looked like a vintage camper and I was instantly in love. Well guess what? It was not a vintage camper at it. It was a 2018 River City Retro 177 SE. What!?!? I wanted vintage. This was brand new and looked vintage and retro and all the things I dreamt of. It has all the modern amenities including bath room and shower. I gave up my stubborn streak and said “ I love it and want it.” The price  was right as well BONUS. So, my husband got to work as he does and that following weekend our family friend Greg, my mom, the boys and I headed down to Tennessee to get it. Man, Oh Man, she was just a spectator in person as in the picture.

Fast forward to our first camping adventure. I was a ball of nerves. I was towing a camper trailer for the first time on the highway. It was exciting but nerve racking drive. I was white knuckled the whole way as I was getting a feel for it. We went to Harmonie State Park in New Harmony, Indiana very close to home only 45 minutes from our house. I intentionally stayed close just in case we ran into trouble or had problems so I could call on my Knight in Shinning Armor husband. It’s hunting season so he was hunting with the boys but still a phone call away.

Right after we arrived at Harmonie State Park and I got her Parked

We arrived to Harmonie State Park in one piece and alive. Now it was time to park. Lord help me I prayed. My mom tried to guide me but it was not working. Two guys came down and volunteered their help. I told them “Yes Please, here’s the thing though I want to do it myself if you could just help to guide me.” They did just that and I was parked. Yay! I walked down to their site later and thanked their wives for letting me borrow their husbands. They where so nice and came down to take a peak inside my camper. She is a looker and got lots of attention that weekend.

My mom and I enjoying our first Camping trip.

Prior to our trip I had googled, Pinterest and asked my Facebook friends for advice so I would be  prepared for the trip and have everything we needed. I am so glad I did their  knowledge was impeccable and the trip went amazing. We met the nicest people, learned a ton from fellow Campers, hiked, played, relaxed, ate yummy food and spent quality time with two of my 5 children who went on the trip with my mother and I.

Gunnar on a play set at Hamonie State Park

Joston willing taking a selfie with mom.

Gunnar being his excited self.

Joston playing football with new fellow camping friends.

 I highly recommend Harmonie State Park in Indiana to fellow campers or hikers. It has beautiful scenery, large camp sites, a Nature Center with actives in prime season for the kids, clean bath houses and restrooms and lots of play parks.

When we packed up it was a breeze and the trip driving home was much less white knuckled then the trip there. Since our trip I have traveled and stayed on my dads property for a night and this weekend we head off to Lake  Monroe close to Bloomington, Indiana for a few days. Tales of that adventure to come soon.

Thanks for reading till next time much love,

Tyger-Lynn Stone

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