What NOT to do as a Youth Football Parent and Back to School
Back to school is officially under way and our kiddos are splitting their time between school, chores and youth sports, and we as parents love watching them play in said sports. (Not so much helping with homework though.) Joston my 10 year old had his first official youth 3/4th grade Football game of the 2019 season on Saturday. It was so much fun watching the kids on the field put everything the hardworking coaches had been implementing to them at practises in to play. The coaches have been working so hard with the kids on teaching them techniques, trying to demonstrate proper moves and plays to them. To watch it all come together like a puzzle piece was amazing. As I laid in the bed the other night reflecting on Joston's game a couple of things did come to mind. These things are things in my personal opinion that as a Youth Football Parent a Parent should NOT do. I might have or have not witnessed this all happen at one point.
1. Don't be the parent that is trying to coach from the side lines. Your child has Coaches for a reason to help guide them and direct them through the plays. If you are standing on the side lines trying to tell your kid what to do. Two major things happen first your child gets confused because your child wants to listen to you but the coach mostly likely told him to do something different two, you just messed up the whole play that was suppose to take place because your child was confused. Just don't be that dad or mom. I know as a sport parents that is hard...TRUST the coaches.
2. Don't stand directly on the fence or on side lines. Sit in the bleachers. The bleachers are there for a reason for us parents to set our butts in them. If you are standing directly on the fence line or side lines of the field you our blocking everyone elses from seeing their kid play. We all want good bragging pictures of our kids and we all want to see them better but standing on the fence or direct sideline is preventing ever other parent from being able to see their kid play, and that's not fair to the other parents. Just don't be that parent!
3. Don't be the Pinterest food parent. What do I mean by this?? I am talking able the moms or dads that go crazy on being the snack mom or dad after the football game. A simple bag of chips or Popsicle is enough for these kiddos. Believe me they will not remember be the next game the super cool snack that so and so's mom brought. Keep it simple and don't try to show the other parents up.
All of these things are my personal opinion but most of the other parents I talk to agree. So, it simple and just Don't be that Parent.
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--Tyger-Lynn Mom to the Blended Stone's family
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