
Frownies and Nail Wraps Two of my Favorite Things

      We don't realize how much words effect people until you have been struck by some that stick with you and they just won't leave your brain. Recently my 15 year old son said to me  "Mom you are very young looking." That started out as a compliment until he followed it by "You only started ageing in the last 4 years." as he pointed at my forehead wrinkles. Those words hung with me for a few weeks, one of those over thinking mother moments. Then I got busy to do something about this ever approaching wrinkles.        I did do Botox once last year it was ok.. little pricy and for the price the results did not last as long as I thought they would. Also the headache I had for about a week after was not fun.     Moving forward I started looking for a different approach to reduce the ever quickly approaching wrinkle's moving fast in to my life as my 15 year old told me. I tried lots of creams and added enough wa...

Bring on 2021

 Where to start, first I am not going to recap on 2020. Although in general it was not a bad year for our family but for many it was. So the shit show of 2020 will not be recapped. I will though update you on our family in general and the many comings and goings we have. All the kiddos are currently healthy and doing well. Kenzie is still in cheer and is a typical teen you never know if she is coming or going. Philip is in wrestling and currently on his schools varsity team. Elise is becoming her own independent person embracing the teenage years fiercely. Joston is doing very well academically and still full time traveling wrestler. Gunnar well he is a combination of all of us and has personality out of this world, he is in PreK and ready to take on Kindergarten later this year. My husband Paul had an amazing hunting year and has been working on wood projects as a new hobby. As for me well I have become more of a homebody and as always have way to many hobbies to keep up with. I a...

What NOT to do as a Youth Football Parent and Back to School

Back to school is officially under way and our kiddos are splitting their time between school, chores  and youth sports, and we as parents love watching them play in said sports. (Not so much helping with homework though.) Joston my 10 year old had his first official youth 3/4th grade Football game of the 2019 season on Saturday. It was so much fun watching the kids on the field put everything the hardworking coaches had been implementing to them at practises in to play. The coaches have been working so hard with the kids on teaching them techniques, trying to demonstrate proper moves and plays to them. To watch it all come together like a puzzle piece was amazing. As I laid in the bed the other night reflecting on Joston's game a couple of things did come to mind. These things are things in my personal opinion that as a Youth Football Parent a Parent should NOT do. I might have or have not witnessed this all happen at one point. 1. Don't be the parent that is trying...

A Little Update on the Stone Family Shinanagans

I have One single word that comes to mind when I think of our family The Stone Family AKA The Blended Stones and that word is BUSY . I believe everyone is their own kind of busy but our kind of busy is the kind that is who knows if we are coming or going or what the heck we are suppose to be doing or suppose to be at that given moment type busy. We have kids in a variety of Sports and in four different schools. We have kids at different schools because of being a blended family but also this is our first year we have a kid in every level of schooling. This year we officially have a high schooler, middle schooler, two in elementary and one in preschool. Also they participate in high school cheer, football, year around wrestling, 4-H and a ton of school activities. Now, that you have an idea of how busy we are I will give you a little update on the kids and what Paul and I have been up too. Kenzie made the Mater Dei Cheer team and starts her first year of high school this year. She...

Being a Sports parent is hard

Being a sports parent is hard in so many ways. My children have done tons of sports from dance, cheer, soccer, basketball, football and wrestling. I might be missing a couple in there as well. It’s hard being a sports parent in so many ways I don’t know where to start. 1. Let’s start with TIME. Managing our time and getting children places specially if you have more then one child can be so difficult. When I first moved to Evansville, Indiana I did not have friends, family or fellow mothers that lived close to me to help wrangle my children in different directions. To make matters worse I worked out of town and there was a time change. That’s gotten better though the longer I have lived here I now have fellow mothers that kids are in that same sports that are willing to help and my mother now lives in town and can help on occasion. When you have multiple children some have practice at the exact same time and one could be on one side of town and the other practice on the complete oppo...


I absolutely love my children. Even though I have both a threenager and teenagers in the same house hold. Some days I don't know which is harder having a threenager or the teenagers. At least my threenager still wants to cuddle and wants dad and mom when he is feeling sad or hurt. The teenagers on the other hand. They only want to cuddle when they want something from you or if you are doing something for them. Also how different are boy and girl teenagers... wow just wow are they different. My husband Paul and I we are in this together to raise these humans.  Our teenager girl is the oldest and she is very similar to how I was as teenager. I liked to be left alone when I was at home. I wanted to hide in my room, talk on the phone and play with my hair and makeup and that's how our Kenzie  who is 13 is. My grandmother who raised me in my teenage years thought something  was wrong with me at that age and took me to a therapist. My therapist saw me three times total o...

Our First Camper Trailer Adventure in Roxie the Retro Camper

I have had lots and lots of things on my bucket list over time. I am usually one to accomplish them pretty fast. I try to accomplish mine super fast due to the fact that well you never actually know when you will as the say "Kick the Bucket." For a while though I let something linger on my bucket list for to long. I let it linger out of fear and well I will do it when I retire. You guys? What if I never get to retire because: I kicked the bucket before I where to retire. Fear no more as soon as I mention something to my husband he most always is supportive and helps me accomplish the goal. Sometimes I have to keep goals to myself because this husband of mine is not a procrastinator as I can be on some things and will proceed to try to help me before I am ready to be helped. In the instance of me getting a camping trailer his help and push where exactly what I needed. My new Rivercity Retro 177SE sill on the lot getting prepped for the trip home I wanted a camping trai...